IG Caption Infusion
for Creatives

How would you feel if you could plan out 2-4 weeks of IG post content in just a few hours? And not just any random posts, but strategic posts that you know will bring in ideal clients through know, like, and trust...

Instead of looking at your phone thinking, "crap, I haven't posted in like three weeks - what do I even say..." what if you had a sixteen page PDF full of ideas for what to post, when to post it, and how to write the caption for engagement?

Six months of content is a click away!

"Do you hate writing captions like me?"

"I get ready to post on social and my brain goes blank. This is an amazing product by @creativebusinesscoach. Grab yours now."

— carly

you should know...

Instagram is one of my top income sources.

But it didn't happen overnight. Once I learned the value of strategic content, I never went back. I'd love to help you make the most of your IG marketing (without it taking over your life) so you can spend more time doing what got you into business in the first place... serving your clients!

spoiler alert: you don't have to share every waking moment on the 'gram to get clients. you just need intentional content.

What's in IG Caption Infusion?

Over 100 content prompts like, "What are some unexpected roles you fill for your clients?"

Three content categories you can rotate to build know, like, and trust.

Six Instagram algorithm hacks to help more of your ideal clients see your content.

A sample content calendar to help you balance your posts strategically.

My WINE method for caption-writing that increases engagement.

BONUS: Ideal Client Workbook to get clear about who you're talking to.

snag it for $47

One month of content created in half an hour.

"I just purchased it. I had my apprentices plan their full month of content going off your Caption Infusion. It took them 1/2 hour and now we know what photos we need to take and have a plan, direction, and don't have to stress about marketing. Really great info."

— Ashley

Good for beginners & experienced biz owners.

"To be honest, I was skeptical of the IG Caption Infusion by my girl, Cassie because (I thought) I knew everything about creating good captions. In the end, I wanted to support a fellow small business, so I took the bait. BUT I GOTTA HAND IT TO HER... I really like her approach! Go grab this guide!"

— courtney

Warning: May cause a sudden urge to write.

"Okay, so I just bought your IGCI and now I just want to go home and work on that. I'm launching my new collection for fall and having these prompts is going to help me so much."

— Natalie

How to Use IGCI

pick a prompt

Find a prompt from one of the three content categories and start brainstorming your answer.

use the wine method

Write your caption using my WINE method to increase engagement. Drinking actual wine is optional.

know, like, & trust

As your ideal client comments on your posts, create a conversation to build trust & become their go-to.

You have untold stories, unmade connections, and a pile of words waiting to be written inside you. You just need someone (or something) to open the floodgates... Good news - I have the key.

Have you ever heard someone say "if you're having a hard time finding a solution to a problem, ask better questions?" That's what I designed IG Caption Infusion to do. Whether you realize it or not, you have stories your audience wants (and needs) to hear. The 100+ prompts I've written for you will trigger the content creativity you've been lacking for so long that your next problem will be having to decide which one to post first.

Ready to let words flow?

IG Caption Infusion

over 100 content prompts

caption writing formula

sample content calendar

ig algorithm hacks

snag yours now for $47

"Here's to hoping words come easier. Thanks for all you do, Cassie."

— brittany

hey there!

I'm Cassie - your biz bestie.

I fully believe we were all given unique gifts to bless others with, but sometimes we have a hard time conveying the value of those gifts. I'm here to shake you out this rut you're stuck in so you can shine.

more about me